
News | July 12, 2016

2016 Joint Logistics Faculty Development Workshop

By Mr. Steve Martinez, CJSL Center for Joint & Strategic Logistics

Over 30 faculty members and staff from across the Department of Defense (DoD) joint professional military, graduate and continuing education schools, as well as Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint and Service logistics directorates, recently gathered at the National Defense University on Fort McNair in Washington DC for the annual Joint Logistics Faculty Development Workshop.  The purpose of this event, hosted by the Center for Joint & Strategic Logistics (CJSL), was to bring the joint logistics professional development community of practice together to hear about the latest issues facing the Joint Logistics Enterprise.  In addition, the participants traded best practices for teaching logistics and sustainment principles at their respective institutions.

During the 3-day event, the attendees heard perspectives from senior DoD leaders, including the acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics & Materiel Readiness Mr. Gary Motsek, the Joint Staff Director for Logistics Navy Vice Admiral Andy Brown, the Assistant Commandant for Installations & Logistics Marine Corps Lieutenant General Michael Dana, and the Joint Staff Deputy Director for Joint Force Development Ms. Monica Shephard.  This broad array of insights allowed the workshop to hear about key strategic initiatives such as the Secretary of Defense’s “Force of the Future,” the Joint Concept for Logistics, and the DoD Organizational Responsibility Review, as well as the importance of effective planning to successful warfighting.

Another high point of the workshop was the sharing of exceptional research conducted at many of the schools and the impact of the results on the enhancement of DoD logistics efforts.  A subsequent discussion on improving the way logistics studies are accomplished throughout the schools highlighted a great opportunity to provide even more relevant topics for research in the future, according to an attendee.

“We truly appreciated the faculty and staff members for taking time out of their busy schedules to join us for this event,” said retired Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Kelly, the Director of the CJSL.  He concluded the workshop by telling the participants, “One of our roles is to help you, the instructors at the various schools, to properly instill in our future leaders the appropriate understanding of the importance of logistics to the defense of our Nation.  We at CJSL stand ready to support you in this vital endeavor.”

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